It's all about saving typos

How many times you finish typing just to find out that you used the wrong language and end up with a nonsense gibberish text?

Language Indicator is specifically designed to address this exact problem, so just before you start typing, a small flag indicator pops up to show the current keyboard layout.

Why Choose Language Indicator?
  • Displays a flag icon near your mouse cursor indicating the current keyboard layout.
  • Helps avoid typing errors caused by incorrect language settings.
  • Shows a Caps Lock indicator when the Caps Lock key is activated.
  • Customizable Settings to fit your preferences.
Multiple Languages
Language Indicator supports the following language flags:

Your language flag is missing?
let me know
Get Language Indicator
  • Completely free for personal use.
  • Support Windows 10 and 11.
  • Customizable Settings
  • Lightweight (Only 270K download size) and runs seamlessly in the background.
Language Indicator is completely free for personal use. If you enjoy it, you’re welcome to support the project.